
Story: bugs

  • Viola's conversation when you help her out of the dungeon / when she helps you out of the dungeon don't trigger in town
  • Your party gets healed when leaving the dungeon
  • Paila doesn't return her dagger after being escorted home
  • Paila doesn't get an extra dagger each time she is put into the dungeon

Roguelike: stealth improvements

  • Monster shows exclamation mark when it sees you
  • Monster shows question mark when it gets alerted of your position
  • Most attacks alert monsters within x radius (depends on attack)
  • Attacks alert the attackee of the attacker's position
  • Presence indicator is easier to see on grass
  • Dagger does 4x damage against unaware monsters

Roguelike: balancing

  • Devouring enchantment heals 10% of damage dealt (from 25%)
  • Halberd does 12 damage (from 15)
  • Dagger doesn't reduce presence radius
  • Rod does 6 damage (from 5) (prevents punch from getting selected when inputting directions)
  • Rod increases magic damage by 2+ level (from 2 x level)
  • Rod costs 22g (from 5g)
  • Plate armor increases presence radius by 5 (from 2)
  • Plate armor reduces recharge rate by 50%
  • Leather armor reduces recharge rate by 25%
  • All armors increase resistance by 2% per level (buffs cloak/robe, nerfs plate)
  • Items sell for half price
  • Paila (and a few other characters) does half damage with weapons
  • If a slime splits it skips its next turn

Roguelike: bugs

  • Companion is better at avoiding spikes/webs/fireballs
  • Staff increases recharge rate by 20% (before it said it did but it didn't)
  • Tome of lightning's desc has info about charges
  • Ring rooms don't have shields
  • Pathfinding code fixed (A* pathfinding estimate function fixed, path caching fixed) (game is a lot snappier when a lot of monsters are on-screen)


  • Spiderweb sprite changed
  • Damage animations

Interface: Party inventory management

  • Inventory menu contains all party members' items
  • Give/Take moved from companion menu to Inventory menu
  • Equipment menu has all companions' slots
  • Companions don't equip/unequip items on their own
  • Shopkeep sell menu contains all party members' items
  • Scrolls of enchantment/enchant weapon/enchant armor can select all party members' items

Interface: Saving/Loading

  • If save/load fails, a message is shown
  • If load settings fails, a message is shown
  • Saves contain game version

Interface: Misc

  • Click to attack/move
  • Changed check controls text to be easier to understand
  • Moved "Exit the dungeon; go to town" from abilities menu to game menu
  • Added "Exit town; go to dungeon" to game menu
  • Scrolls are stackable
  • Closing a menu should re-open the previous menu; in some cases this wasn't true; fixed some of those cases
  • Added patreon link to title menu
  • Fix font appearance at 1080p


the-demon-lords-lover-win.zip 56 MB
Version 0.6.25 1 day ago
the-demon-lords-lover-mac.zip 53 MB
Version 0.6.25 1 day ago
the-demon-lords-lover-linux.zip 70 MB
Version 0.6.25 1 day ago

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